March 6, 2022

REVIEW: The Eliezer Berkovits Megillah

A new anthology-style commentary on Megillat Esther presents the wisdom and enduring insights of R. Eliezer Berkovits, and may make that 20th-century theologian’s thought accessible to new generations of readers—despite the drawbacks of this increasingly popular genre’s attempt to cobble unified commentaries from diverse works of the geniuses of the past. Tuvia Berman reviews “Faith Fulfilled.”
March 4, 2022

Special Online Event: Dispatch from Ukraine

Join RCA and TRADITION for a special online panel discussing Ukrainian Jewry's war-time challenges. Panelists will detail their heroic struggle in the face of the humanitarian and refugee crisis unfolding on the Polish border, their work on the ground as communal leaders, the fears and prospects for Jewish institutions going forward—and help us understand the realities of this rapidly unfolding tragedy with greater nuance. Wednesday, March 9 at 12:30 pm ET.
March 3, 2022

The BEST: Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch” 

Chaim Brovender sees in Rembrandt’s art a message for our humanity: Rembrandt telegraphs to us that each person’s individual identity cannot be suppressed. Each one’s face is unique and meaningful. Each figure is not quite like anyone else, and recalls to our minds the midrashic observation: “Just as no two people resemble one another, so no two people think alike. Rather, each person has an opinion of his own.”
March 1, 2022

The Ongoing Relevance of the Classics

Following Chaim Waxman’s expression of pessimism regarding the current role of great works of Western literature in the Orthodox world, Yitzchak Blau strikes a more optimistic note arguing for the significance of this literature – and the live possibility of encouraging our students to read it.
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