June 3, 2024

REVIEW: Ruth Blau

Part Rebbetzin, part spy; part pious, part criminal; part defender of the faith, part kidnapper. What is one to make of the idiosyncratic life of Ruth Blau—a woman who seduced a Nazi officer but married an influential rabbi; was captured by the Mossad for criminal activities, but later met with the Ayatollah Khomeini to protect Jewish interests? In reviewing “Ruth Blau: A Life of Paradox and Purpose,” Yoel Finkelman says: Motti Inbari traces her unbelievable story with academic rigor and dedication to describing just what happened to one of the most enigmatic Haredi women of the 20th century.
May 30, 2024

TRADITION Questions: Airport Lounges & Shul Kiddush

Chaim Strauchler draws a parallel between the “free food” at airport lounges and at shul kiddush. In this week’s “TRADITION Questions” he asks how new luxurious norms might challenge the classic social inclusion created by Jewish community, and sees within the gamification and stratification of capitalist society the early formation of competing identities to those of classic religious community.
May 27, 2024

A Few Good Brothers

With his return to reserve duty on the Gaza front, Rabbi Avraham Stav offers another dispatch: How does an I.D.F. soldier’s commitment to his comrades form a covenant through which he fulfills his duty to God and nation as well?
May 23, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Pups in the Pews

Who let the dogs in? (Into shul, that is.) When a blind person attends services with a service dog it opens up a Pandora’s box for how R. Feinstein and his contemporaries should address the growing ubiquity of support and service animals within the synagogue—and our tradition. Moshe Kurtz considers pups in the pews in this next installment of “Unpacking the Iggerot.”
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