April 2, 2023

Resurrecting Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Approach to Tehiyyat ha-Metim

April 2, 2023

REVIEW ESSAY: Joseph B. Soloveitchik, The Return to Zion: Addresses on Religious Zionism and American Orthodoxy

April 2, 2023

PODCAST: The Eleventh Plague

A highlight of this week’s Passover observances is the recounting of the biblical Ten Plagues. In an interesting new book, Dr. Jeremy Brown considers the Eleventh Plague, a kind of catch-all phrase he uses to explore how Jews as a people and Judaism as a religious tradition have encountered and responded to plagues, disease, and pandemics from the Bible right up to our own days of COVID-19. 
March 30, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Yoel Bin-Nun’s Holiday Duality

In reviewing R. Yoel Bin-Nun’s “Zakhor veShamor,” Yitzchak Blau demonstrates how the book’s topic plays to the author’s strengths and interests, as it explores the Jewish calendar and holiday cycle through the prism of the agricultural reality in the Land of Israel. In its pages we encounter one of our era’s greatest teachers of Tanakh apply his fertile mind to scripture, Jewish history, and our current situation. 
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