July 1, 2024

TRADITION’s 2024 Book Endorsements

TRADITION continues its yearly tradition of turning to our esteemed editorial board for endorsements for summer reading. Some of the picks could have easily been predicted, others are quite surprising, all are worthy of your attention. Read the first installment today on TraditionOnline.
June 27, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Davening for Death

May one pray for God to hasten the passing of a suffering patient? Does the patient have a say in the matter? Is it a mitzva to prolong life as long as possible? Moshe Kurtz elucidates how R. Moshe Feinstein, and his “opponent,” R. Eliezer Waldenberg, approached these critical questions—and how it might shed light on an additional major debate they had concerning abortion.
June 24, 2024

REVIEW: Torah in a Connected World

As the current of modernity continues to rage, the lessons of Jonathan Ziring’s “Torah in a Connected World” will only become more relevant. Tamar Koslowe’s review argues that as an entire generation of Jews is growing up alongside the technological revolution, confronting how technology affects our religious lives is prudent: “The reader walks away more knowledgeable and motivated to thoughtfully consider these questions. More than any particular elucidation of halakha, Ziring asks the reader to, at the very least, think critically about the technological changes that are transforming lives across the globe.”
June 20, 2024


Reflecting on Sefirat ha-Omer’s conclusion and absence, Chaim Strauchler questions the place of numbers in Jewish life and law. How do we benefit from a number’s certainty—and what price do we pay for that security?
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