May 9, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Power and Parameters of Human Dignity

Does halakha care about our feelings? This might be one of those instances where it actually depends on the context. In the fourth installment of “Unpacking the Iggerot,” Moshe Kurtz investigates to what extent kavod ha-beriyot, human dignity, plays a role in R. Moshe Feinstein’s halakhic decision-making.
May 6, 2024

Spring 2024 Arrives

TRADITION vol. 56 no. 2 (Spring 2024) has arrived as a special issue delivering the papers presented at last year's “Tradition Today Summit” exploring the spiritual challenges of material success, edited by Jeffrey Saks and Shlomo Zuckier. Subscribers can access the entire issue online; others can read select open-access content.
May 5, 2024

REVIEW: Vegetarianism, Ecology, and Business Ethics

In his sophisticated and immensely erudite new book of essays, Daniel Sperber argues powerfully that it is difficult to justify eating meat produced by modern industrial farming methods, on grounds of both kashrut and ethics. Yedidya Sinclair suggests that Sperber's book makes a strong case for the interwovenness of ethics with the halakhot of kashrut, persuasively arguing that ecology and environmentalism should be higher priorities in the Jewish world.
May 2, 2024

Alt+SHIFT: One Day in October

The Hebrew anthology “One Day in October” is a powerful collection of forty stories from October 7th that inspires and depresses, fills the reader with hope, as it makes him or her cry. Yitzchak Blau shows how editors Yair Agmon and Oriyah Mevorach skillfully transformed these accounts into narrative chapters which will serve as a “first draft” in documenting the stories of Simhat Torah 5784.  
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