October 9, 2023

The Yom Kippur War After 50 Years

October 9, 2023

RESPONSE: American Orthodoxy Then, Now & Tomorrow

Reflecting on what he wrote 25 years ago in TRADITION’s “Sea Change in American Orthodoxy” symposium, Prof. Samuel Heilman assesses what he got right about the slide to the right, trends he did not anticipate, some ironic alignments, and unfortunate ways that the Haredi community is more compartmentalized than Modern Orthodoxy.
October 2, 2023

Faith in a War to Remember

While we marked the 50th year since the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War last week, it is important to recall that hostilities lasted almost three weeks until the ceasefire, and that soldiers remained stationed on the Syrian and Egyptian borders for many months thereafter. TRADITION’s recent issue on this half-century milestone since the 1973 war was put to good use during the Yamim Noraim; various rabbis report that they made use of its content in their sermons and teaching, and we are pleased to share this sensitive sermon delivered by R. Mayer Waxman before Yizkor on Yom Kippur in the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates.
September 28, 2023

TRADITION QUESTIONS: Beit HaMikdash Logistics

Chaim Strauchler compares the recent discovery of an ancient stone path to modern roads that deliver people to mass-assembly sites. Based on these examples, he questions what would be required for a future aliya la-regel—and what steps would best lead us in that direction.
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