September 21, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: The Gift of Life

Twenty years ago Israel ranked 28th in the world in proportional live kidney donations. By 2020, the WHO ranked Israel the world leader in altruistic live donor kidney transplants How did this come about and how did attitudes particularly within the religious community change? Apparently, a few good and dedicated people can change the world.
September 18, 2023

Yom Kippur War After 50 Years

During these 10 Days of Teshuva we mark 50 years since the Yom Kippur War. TRADITION's most recent issue contains a cluster of articles and essays exploring the theological, national, and communal impact of that nearly calamitous episode in modern Jewish history on the State of Israel, world Jewry, and on Religious Zionism. Sample open-access content by R. Yehuda Amital zt”l and R. Haim Sabato. Join TRADITION readers for a special in-person event in Jerusalem this Wednesday exploring our special issue in advance of Yom Kippur.
September 14, 2023


Noting the importance of the kingship theme on Rosh Hashana, Chaim Strauchler questions how the coronation of a new king in the Court of St. James will affect our prayers this year. Relating to traditions that emphasize the participatory character of Divine kingship, he questions how kingship as an idea influences Jewish political discourse.
September 11, 2023

REVIEW: State of Halakha

The establishment of the Jewish State in 1948 introduced previously unimaginable questions for halakha and Jewish religious life — most relevantly in terms of statehood and governance. Aviad Tabory’s "State of Halakha" (Maggid Books) is best understood through its subtitle: “Israel’s history in Jewish law.” Sruli Fruchter, in reviewing the work, says the book shows that “halakha always has something to say. And in Israel’s case, we have the ability to listen.”
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