August 7, 2023

REVIEW: Studies in Halakhah and Rabbinic History

From the evidence offered in his writings the tragic loss of R. Eitam Henkin in a terror attack is compounded by the promise of future scholarship of which we will be deprived. Gidon Rothstein reviews R. Henkin’s posthumous collection, “Studies in Halakhah and Rabbinic History,” and asserts that each individual essay as well as the overall experience of meeting this writer will reward the reader.
August 3, 2023


A recent study shows that house color décor influences perceived property values. How does design affect our perception of our shuls and schools as trendy and relevant or outdated and passé? This is a particular challenge for institutions whose identities are closely connected to their modernity, or alternatively, to a sense of tradition. Chaim Strauchler asks if we should be playing these color wars—and at what cost?
August 1, 2023

REPLY: COVID-19 Vaccines, Halakha, and Medicine

Replying to their critics, Sharon Galper Grossman and Shamai Grossman defend an October 2020 TRADITION article which anticipated the overwhelming endorsement of the COVID vaccine by the medical community, government agencies, and subsequent positions staked out by the majority of poskim. In short, vaccines were the best way through the pandemic. They worked and helped fulfil “lo ta’amod al dam re’ekha.”
July 30, 2023

RESPONSE: Reassessing COVID Policies

Reflecting on a TraditionOnline essay from 2020, Rafi Eis questions mistakes he believes were made during COVID about social ostracization of non-vaxxers, school closings, and aspects of the halakhic and medical analysis made in the moment.
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