March 27, 2023

REVIEW: Two Worlds Exist

Reviewing the poetry of Yehoshua November, Rivka Krause identifies themes central to the religious quest: “Life is filled with pains both great and small, yet we are forced to live with purpose.” Reminding us of R. Aharon Lichtenstein’s charge that as religious individuals, poetry and literature occupy a space of particular importance in the shaping of our consciousness, Krause draws our attention to November’s work—for its aesthetic charm as well as its potential contribution to our spiritual goals.
March 23, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Shalom Rosenberg z”l

Prof. Shalom Rosenberg z”l, who passed away two weeks ago, taught Jewish philosophy at Hebrew University and was a public intellectual and an important voice in the Religious Zionist world. Reviewing some of his essays for this week’s Alt+SHIFT, Yitzchak Blau offers an appreciation for Rosenberg’s contribution to the intellectual atmosphere of our community.
March 21, 2023

PODCAST: The Hidden Order of Intimacy

TRADITION’s Winter 2021 issue featured Avivah Zornberg’s essay, “On Love, Holiness, and the Other,” which explored the “command to aspire” as an ethical imperative. That essay has now appeared as part of a larger chapter in her most recent book, “The Hidden Order of Intimacy: Reflections on the Book of Leviticus” (Schocken). As we commence our annual reading of Leviticus the TRADITION Podcast spoke with Zornberg about her new book, the intellectual “atmosphere” she breathes in order to produce works of Torah scholarship that bring together such wide-ranging voices, and the troubling state of the study of the humanities in the world today and within Jewish learning in particular. 
March 19, 2023

LETTER: The Interpretation of Dreams and Grain

Responding to Nava Finkelman’s recent essay, “Genesis Dream Pairs Revisited,” Ami Hordes points to the presence of the ambiguous word “shever” as a multi-valent hint to ideas that are lurking between the lines of the biblical Joseph story. Finkelman responds, adding deeper insight to the issues raised in her already compelling article.
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