June 15, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: New World Perplexed

R. Ilay Ofran of Kibbutz Yavneh, head of the mekhina Ruah haSadeh, and a psychologist, has become an important voice in the Religious Zionist community. His recent book, profiled by Yitzchak Blau in this week’s Alt+SHIFT, addresses the challenges involved in maintaining our religious tradition in the contemporary world.
June 13, 2023

TRADITION’s Book Endorsement Contest 2023

Before the launch of this year’s TRADITION editorial board summer book endorsements, enter our contest to predict the titles to appear and WIN A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to our print journal for yourself as a new or renewing subscriber, or to gift to someone else. 
June 12, 2023

PODCAST: Materialism and the Rise of “Modern, Orthodoxy”

Among the papers presented at the recent Tradition Today Summit was a fascinating item co-authored by Avital Chizik-Goldschmidt and Chaim Saiman, “Material Success and the Rise of ‘Modern, Orthodoxy’” – in which a lot rides on the title’s enigmatic comma. In this episode of our podcast, Jeffrey Saks chats with Saiman about the paper, and the unique and curious ways in which the markers of Orthodoxy’s material aspirations each respond to the halakhic requirements and religious aspirations of persons who live fully within Orthodoxy and who are invested in its continuity. 
June 8, 2023

TRADITION QUESTIONS: The Orthodox Omnivore

In this week’s Tradition Questions, Chaim Strauchler considers a failed addition to the modern kosher diet. Looking at the locust as a case study, he asks why do some new foods make it and others do not.
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