September 8, 2022

The BEST: The Wealth of Nations 

Chaim Strauchler writes on Adam Smith’s classic “The Wealth of Nations” for The BEST: Each person acting in his own self-interest “conquers” the world – as God tasked Adam I. With this ingenuity, humanity acting together constitutes “the invisible hand” – a combination of the human and something almost divine.
September 5, 2022

New and Noteworthy Books

TRADITION’s seasonal roundup of noteworthy new titles in Jewish studies and learning, with offerings on Shabbat’s challenge and contribution to the modern world, mental health and halakha, Hebrew and Yiddish literature, the history of Talmud printing and Hasidic sermons, and more…. 
September 1, 2022

The BEST: Saving Private Ryan

David Curwin, writing for The BEST, sees a life lesson in juxtaposing the films “Saving Private Ryan” (1998) with “The Irishman” (2019): “The end of each film, with the perspective of decades after those pivotal events, implies that it was the protagonists’ private lives, not their public roles, that really mattered.” 
August 30, 2022

Rav Kook Archives

Today, 3 Elul, marks the 87th yahrzeit of Rav Avraham Yitzhak HaKohen Kook zt”l. As one of the most significant Jewish thinkers of the modern era it is no surprise that his works have been analyzed, reviewed, and translated in the pages of TRADITION over the years. Visit our archives....
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