December 16, 2024

Shaming in Rabbinical Court

TRADITION’s Winter 2024 issue featured an essay by Dr. Aliza Bazak on “Shaming in Rabbinical Court Rulings in Israel: A Modern Commentary on Medieval Rabbinic Sanctions in Divorce Cases,” examining the mechanism of shaming as a tool to obligate recalcitrant husbands to grant their wives a divorce. She suggests that, as opposed to Jewish communities elsewhere, in Israel shaming is not an effective measure in obligating husbands to grant a divorce. Bazak was a guest on the “Medabrim Mishpatim” program to discuss her TRADITION essay. Watch now…
December 15, 2024

Entering Rav Kook’s Inner Chambers

Rav Kook’s slim volume of personal mediations, “Hadarav,” was seen as groundbreaking and revolutionary when first published in 1998. The arrival of an English edition by Bezalel Naor (Maggid Books) is an occasion to examine trends in the thought and impact of Rav Kook, and the arrival of new posthumous publications by Rav Kook in the past quarter century. Zohar Maor profiles the new edition of “Hadarav” and considers transitions in Israeli society in the years since its first arrival.
December 13, 2024

RESPONSE: The Biblical Etrog

It may come as a surprise that the Etrog is not native to the Land of Israel, but originated in Southeast Asia. How can we square our belief in the traditions of the Oral Law with the findings of history, botany, and agriculture that the Sukkot citron reached Eretz Yisrael only just prior to the Second Temple Era? Natan Slifkin offers an intriguing solution.
December 12, 2024

TRADITION Questions: Jewish Practices Independent of Halakha

For generations, Jews did not buy German automobiles. While there was no halakhic basis for this taboo, it reflected a Jewish collective will. Chaim Strauchler questions the meaning of this practice, and what it says about extra-halakhic collective Jewish action.
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