January 24, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Moshe Maimon’s New Editions of The Writings of Avraham ben ha-Rambam

January 24, 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Rachel Manekin, The Rebellion of the Daughters: Jewish Women Runaways in Habsburg Galicia

January 24, 2022

The Extremes Are More Logical But Absurd

Rabbi Lamm critiqued Modern Orthodoxy for being “too apologetic in explaining and interpreting ourselves to the outside world.” Yet, he expressed discomfort and ambivalence about the very nomenclature of the community, admitting at one point that he uses the name Modern Orthodox “only with the greatest hesitation.” Jeffrey Saks explores R. Lamm’s writings on Centrist and Modern Orthodoxy in his contribution to the “Rabbi Lamm Memorial Volume” (open access). 
January 20, 2022

The BEST: The Matrix 

Steven Gotlib compares and contrasts “The Matrix” and Jewish mystical traditions, suggesting the relationship between man and machine in the movie is fundamentally antagonistic: for one to live freely, the other must be enslaved. Our reality, however, is quite different. The relationship between humanity and divinity, as portrayed in Nefesh HaHayyim and Tanya, is one of cooperation.
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