January 21, 2021

The BEST: Language, Truth and Logic

Daniel Rynhold shows how R. Sacks identified collective structures such as religious traditions as that which creates social meanings giving reasons to pursue one course over another. In doing so R. Sacks restores the link between ethics and reason, reading against a classic essay by philosopher A.J. Ayer – This week in “The Rabbi Sacks Bookshelves Project.”
January 20, 2021

PODCAST: Covenantal Community

Daniel Friedman and Chaim Strauchler discuss Richard Niebuhr’s classical essay, "The Idea of Covenant in American Democracy,” asking what it implies for the universal value of civil society, and consider ts particular resonance for the current political moment as filtered through the writings of R. Sacks.
January 18, 2021

Summer 2020 Open Access

With the arrival of our most recent issue, TRADITION’s Summer 2020 issue is now open access. 
January 14, 2021

The BEST: “The Idea of Covenant in American Democracy”

Daniel Friedman reads H. Richard Niebuhr’s classical essay, asking what it implies for the universal value of civil society – a new entry in the R. Sacks Bookshelves Project, presented in cooperation with the London School of Jewish Studies.
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