November 7, 2023

Hamas, Divine Justice, and the Immortality of Israel

In the aftermath of the 5784 Simhat Torah pogrom, a religious thinker cannot help but ask “Where was God?” Aton Holzer outlines the problem, rejects popular approaches, and demonstrates that ancient Jewish sources validate and even encourage the question. A second, related matter: How can we be assured that our own religious tradition never could perpetrate what radical Islam has wrought upon us?
November 5, 2023

PODCAST: Shalom Rosenberg’s Narrow Bridge of Faith

Shalom Rosenberg z”l, in his essay “A Narrow Bridge: R Nahman of Breslov’s Faith in a World of Doubt” (TRADITION, Fall 2023), writes of finding faith in a world of confusion and at a time that many are plagued by doubt. Because Rosenberg’s essay presents itself to us with such unexpected timeliness, in these days of war and worry and doubt, we discuss it with Rabbi Dr. Zvi Leshem on the Tradition Podcast.
November 2, 2023


For over three weeks we have been witness to the documentary evidence of the unimaginable horror and bloodshed—some it it produced by the vile perpetrators themselves. Chaim Strauchler questions how Jewish law might guide our consumption of violent images and videos produced by terrorist groups.
October 30, 2023

Psalms for a State of Vertigo

Israeli poet Bacol Serlui turned to Tehillim as the rockets began falling on Simhat Torah and her son was called away to war: “I sat with my Tehillim, reciting from beginning to end until the close of the holiday, until my tears dried up and the breaking news broke me once again. I recite the Psalms again and again and feel that the Tehillim are reading me, dubbing my fear and sorrow, giving me a voice. Three millennia ago a Jew sat and poured out the agony of his soul in times of peace and war, and here he reaches out a hand of prayer and speaks to our own day, until we will be redeemed.” Read Serlui’s essay on King David, the warrior poet, and his Psalms’ ability to reach us across the millennia.
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