May 2, 2023

PODCAST: The Rav’s Enduring Pedagogical Relevance

Three decades following the passing of the Rav his legacy endures and his teachings still inspire – but how do we communicate his Torah to a generation “which did not know Yosef” (R. Yosef Dov Halevi Soloveitchik, that is)? Mali Brosky’s recent TRADITION essay “The Rav’s Enduring Pedagogical Relevance” takes up this challenge. She recently discussed her essay on the podcast she co-hosts, RZ Weekly, which graciously offered to share the episode with listeners of the TRADITION Podcast.
April 30, 2023

In Memoriam: Rebbetzin Bruria David

With the passing of Rebbetzin Bruria David (1938-2023) z"l, the renowned educator, we lose a model of commitment to teaching, to students, and to scholarship. Her lifelong friend, Judith Bleich, shares memories and helps us appreciate Rebbetzin David and her legacy.
April 28, 2023

TRADITION Today Summit: Material Success and Its Challenges 

On April 23, 2023, TRADITION and the Rabbinical Council of America convened our first TRADITION Today Summit exploring “Material Success and Its Challenges.” With the aim of helping to shape a larger communal conversation on these topics, content generated at and by the conference will be made available to the public from within the pages of the journal and on our other media platforms – in the meantime read more about the program now.
April 27, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Minhat Hinukh Scholarship

Michal Tikochinsky’s book on the important 19th-century rabbinic work Minhat Hinukh fills in a gap in academic Jewish scholarship, and offers a sweeping portrait of a work much treasured in the beit midrash. Yitzchak Blau returns with Alt+Shift, helping the Anglo sphere to gain insight into worthwhile material available only in Hebrew.
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