July 30, 2023

RESPONSE: Reassessing COVID Policies

Reflecting on a TraditionOnline essay from 2020, Rafi Eis questions mistakes he believes were made during COVID about social ostracization of non-vaxxers, school closings, and aspects of the halakhic and medical analysis made in the moment.
July 26, 2023

Lamentations’ End

The final verse of Lamentations is difficult to understand, and has been interpreted in various ways by Hazal which have distinct implications with regard to the theological meaning of Hurban. Aton M. Holzer explores the approaches and argues that the liturgy and customs of Tisha B’Av embrace one particular reading, one which sees excessive Divine rage as a manifestation of continued interest in and engagement with the Jewish people.
July 25, 2023

Symposium: The Sea Change in American Orthodox Judaism

July 23, 2023

Summer Issue On Its Way

TRADITION’s Summer 2023 issue is on its way to subscribers. It features a special cluster of essays commemorating the Yom Kippur War in advance of the upcoming 50th anniversary; J. David Bleich on “Above-Ground Burial”; Michael Shmidman on Isadore Twersky’s contribution to study of The Guide of the Perplexed; David Berger reviews new and problematic scholarship on Christian-Jewish Relations after Vatican II; and more…
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