May 28, 2023

Rabbi Lamm Memorial Volume – Open Access

As we observe today's third yahrzeit of TRADITION's founder, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm z"l, we are pleased to announce that the entire contents of our Rabbi Lamm Memorial Volume are now available open-access at
May 23, 2023

REVIEW: Great Biblical Commentators

The arrival of Avigail Rock's book in an English translation is occasion to revisit Yosefa (Fogel) Wruble's review of the original Hebrew edition, "Parshanei HaMikra" (2021), and to remember the legacy of an outstanding educator z"l, taken from us too soon. The book provides a broad historical perspective on biblical exegesis and makes the commentators come alive as sages who questioned and provided responses to spiritual dilemmas that occupy our minds and hearts until today.
May 21, 2023

REVIEW: Our Roshei Yeshiva

In reviewing David Landes’ recent tribute volume to Rabbis Amital and Lichtenstein, Shlomo Zuckier identifies important themes in the remarkable lives of Har Etzion’s Roshei Yeshiva, which provide new insights for their longtime disciples as well as offers an excellent introduction to the uninitiated. “Our Roshei Yeshiva” (Shikey Press) also serves as a testament to the remarkable life and career of its author z”l, David Landes. 
May 18, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Mehalekhet be-Darka

In reviewing Malka Puterkovsky’s “Mehalekhet be-Darka,” Yitzchak Blau profiles a work of halakhic literature remarkable for its author, genre, and sensitivities. That a volume of “teshuvot” (even if not adhering to the classical form) penned by a woman garnered critique from the  right-wing is not surprising, and sheds some light on the path breaking accomplishment.  
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