May 15, 2023

REVIEW: The Final Exam

Yeshiva University enables its students to chart lives and endeavors as Torah-observant Jews in the Western world. The inherent challenge is explored in President Ari Berman’s new book, a manifesto for YU students, “The Final Exam.” In reviewing the book, Aharon Rakeffet-Rothkoff says it presents the uniqueness and benefits of study at YU.
May 11, 2023

Fall 2022 Open Access

TRADITION's #54:4 (Fall 2022) issue is now open access and offers plenty to keep you busy while waiting for our next issue to arrive once you become a subscriber (when you'll no longer have to wait a single day for full access to all our new content).
May 7, 2023

REVIEW: Across the Expanse of Jewish Thought

Hillel Goldberg’s "Across the Expanse of Jewish Thought" is characterized by breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding, alongside passionate involvement in his subjects and precision of analysis. In reviewing the book, Jeffrey Woolf demonstrates how Goldberg enlists his talents as a journalist in making his discussions understandable to the intelligent layperson, without sacrificing a whit of the sophistication and integrity of his presentation. 
May 4, 2023


What can a mysterious item pulled from a Lakewood online auction site teach about growing wealth in American Orthodox life today? Chaim Strauchler offers a suggestion based on conversations from the TRADITION Today Summit on material success and its challenges.
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