February 16, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Rav Shach as Ish HaHashkafa

Rav Shach’s long impact on Israeli Haredism, and by extension on the political culture of the State, two decades after his passing is the subject of this week’s Alt+SHIFT. Yitzchak Blau considers how the hashkafa and halakhic stances of a person intersect in shaping personality and policy.
February 12, 2023

PODCAST: R. Hildesheimer and Women’s Education

Prof. Marc B. Shapiro’s recent essay “From the Pages of TRADITION: R. Esriel Hildesheimer on Torah Study for Women” (TRADITION, Summer 2022), is the subject today's TRADITION Podcast. Shapiro joined Jeffrey Saks to discuss R. Hildesheimer’s legacy and that of 19th-century German Orthodoxy; the history of women’s Torah study; trends in Jewish education; and the intersections of Jewish history and thought.
February 9, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: A Brief History of Israeliness

Natanel Ellinson’s portrait of divisions in Israeli society suggests a rift between Yehudim (Jews) and Yisraelim (Israelis), each with its own orientation, culture, and values. In this week’s Alt+SHIFT Yitzchak Blau admits some of the diagnosis is useful but overlooks subtleties that we dare not ignore.
February 6, 2023

Hillel Zeitlin’s “On Select Redeemers”

For close to two decades, the Polish-Jewish journalist and religious intellectual Hillel Zeitlin sought in vain to establish fraternal societies for the spiritual and ethical revival of the Jewish people. “On Select Redeemers,” his final manifesto from June 1939 is a stirring testimony to his resolute faith in the power of individual prayer to affect history. The document, which is presented here for the first time in English, is now open access to our readers appearing in an annotated translation by Jonatan Meir and Samuel Glauber-Zimra.
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