Our thrice-daily prayers conclude with Alenu’s call-back to the eschatological hope that in the future: “God shall be One and his Name One” (Zechariah 14:9). This prophetic vision serves as the animating theme of a new collection of essays, God Shall Be One: Reenvisioning Judaism’s Approach to Other Religions, edited by Yakov Nagen, Sarel Rosenblitt, and Assaf Malach (Ohr Torah Stone & Maggid Books).
The book suggests that, especially in our times and in a globalized society that has seen increased violence in the name of religion, there is an urgent need for a cogent argument for mutual respect and cooperation across faith communities.
[Sample the table of contents, preface by Kenneth Brander, and the editors’ introduction here.]
One chapter, authored by the volume’s co-editor, Yakov Nagen, originally appeared in an earlier draft in TRADITION 54:3 (Spring 2022) as “Sharing Torah with the World: The Jewish People’s Responsibility to Non-Jews.” It appeared in an issue as part of a cluster of content related to topics in Jewish Universalism. Nagen discussed the essay on the Tradition Podcast, available for your listening pleasure, and we are happy to re-share it with our readers as we draw attention to its place in this new book.