Moses: The Independent Partner Grumet, Zvi
Three Reading Frames for Rabbeinu Tam’s Yatziv Pitgam Holzer, Aton M.
SURVEY OF RECENT HALAKHIC LITERATURE: Vaxxers and Anti-Vaxxers Bleich, J. David
Shadal’s Poem on Death Kimche, J.J.
SOURCES & RESOURCES: Who Is the Audience of the Torah? Lockshin, Martin
BOOK REVIEW: Moshe Y. Miller, Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Religious Universalism and the German-Jewish Quest for Emancipation Thurm, Raphael
BOOK REVIEW: Glenn Dynner, The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust Leshem, Zvi
BOOK REVIEW: Yosef Bronstein, Engaging the Essence: The Torah Philosophy of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Friedman, Elisha
BOOK REVIEW: Nechama Goldman Barash, Uncovered: Women’s Roles, Mitzvot, and Sexuality in Jewish Law Fogel Wruble, Yosefa
🔓RESPONSE: The Frum Prosperity Gospel, Torah u-Madda, and the Need for Jewish Public Servants Shafner, Hyim
Joseph King of Israel: Joseph, Esau, and the Horite King List Motzkin, Alexander E.
The Origins and Ambiguities of Modern Jewish Thought Campbell, Dovid
Finding Virtue in Maimonides’ Laws of Slaves Navon, Mois
SURVEY OF HALAKHIC LITERATURE: Surrogacy: Ancillary Issues Bleich, J. David
SOURCES & RESOURCES: Esther and the Spies: A Bible-Based Symbolic Meaning of Walled Cities From the Time of Joshua Smilowitz, Mark
REVIEW: The Citron Compendium: The Citron (Etrog) Citrus medica L.: Science and Tradition & Be Fruitful! The Etrog in Jewish Art, Culture and History Schaffer, Arthur
REVIEW: Daniel Sperber, Vegetarianism, Ecology, and Business Ethics: Three Essays of Judaic Insights into Contemporary Concerns Zivotofsky, Ari Z.