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REVIEW: Becoming a Redeemer

A new Hebrew book by Nahal Elgad Binyamin Shoham, “Becoming a Redeemer” (Har Bracha), delves into teachings of the Rebbes of Ruzhin, emphasizing the deep connection between Hasidism and Zionism. Yehuda Brandes reviews, asking what the message of those Rebbes nearly a century ago might mean for our own contemporary religious identity.

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New and Noteworthy Books

TRADITION’s seasonal roundup of noteworthy new titles in Jewish studies and learning, with offerings on halakha and mental health, peshat and aggada, and definitive new histories of Jewish Provence, the medieval Jewish wine trade, the Soviet dissident movement, and more…

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TRADITION Questions: The Pawed Prince

Chaim Strauchler connects a peculiar Russian youth trend to a classic Hasidic parable and questions what it means for today’s Jewish educators and youth.

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Embracing Torah to Face the War

As we prepare to conclude reading Sefer Breishit, we are re-publishing this column by Rachel Sharansky Danziger, who reflected on cycling through the Book last year in the early months of the war. A year later, the war is still being waged and her insights are no less powerful: On Simhat Torah 2023, we set out on two journeys: our planned-for journey through the weekly Torah reading, and a harrowing voyage down the path of loss and war. The second trek challenges us daily, while the first helped Rachel Sharansky Danziger through each challenge posed along the way. As the two looped into each other, they changed her understanding of them both.

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REVIEW: Reclaiming Redemption

Moshe Taragin’s “Reclaiming Redemption” (Mosaica) explores the contemporary Jewish nation that has emerged “from the tunnel of history”—a people who are no longer bystanders or objects, but actors on the world stage. In this new existence, redemption, once an abstract concept, now looks very real and practical. Elie Weissman reviews…

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Unpacking the Iggerot: R. Moshe’s Messiah Mentality

Is it enough to believe that the Messiah “might” arrive soon? In this installment of “Unpacking the Iggerot,” Moshe Kurtz provides us with a selection of stories and halakhic rulings that reveal R. Moshe Feinstein’s unique approach to living with a Messiah Mentality.

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Alt+SHIFT: The Triple Thread of Religious Zionism

Yair Sheleg, a respected journalist and author, has penned an important Hebrew book, tracing historically important developments in the Religious Zionist world and questioning its future directions. In English the book might be called “The Triple Thread,” and Yitzchak Blau reviews Sheleg’s assessment of how the combination of the three values of religion, nationalism, and humanism are or are not properly balanced by the community today.

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“Home” for the Holiday

Hanukka’s requirement of “ner ish u-beyto” makes the candle-lighting mitzva a house-bound one. Avraham Stav, who wrote this dispatch last Hanukka from the Gaza border, asked how myriad Israeli soldiers dwelling in the field, and those Israelis displaced from their homes, help us reevaluate and expand the meaning of “bayit” as we light our candles.