“The Tradition of the Lamm and the Fox” by Zev Eleff

Archival Documents [click images to enlarge]

December 25, 1956: R. Lamm’s invitation to Prof. Fox to join as secretary of the editorial board of the new RCA publication. It would be two years before the unnamed journal would first appear as Tradition.

April 30, 1957: R. Lamm and Prof. Fox conspire to “nudge” R. Soloveitchik (“J.B.”) to submit a manuscript to the journal.

1957 memo to the editorial board debating a title for the journal and assigning tasks to the board. “We have to get this thing off the ground once and for all.”

November 25, 1958: First page of a long memo to Prof. Fox. Among other things R. Lamm responds to criticisms of the first issue of Tradition, and deliberates about two of his own upcoming contributions to the journal.