Tradition: A Journal of Orthodox Jewish Thought

TRADITION is a quarterly print journal of Orthodox Jewish thought, principally concerned with covering theology, philosophy, law, and history. TRADITION is a scholarly publication aiming to have a broad impact in its related academic fields as well as within the life of our religious community.

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the transmission of fire.” ― Gustav Mahler

Editor: Jeffrey Saks (Academy for Torah Initiatives, Jerusalem)

Associate Editors: Yitzchak Blau (Yeshivat Orayta, Jerusalem), Hillel Goldberg (Intermountain Jewish News, Denver), Chaim Strauchler (Rinat Israel, Teaneck, NJ)

Consulting Editors: Erica Brown (Yeshiva University, NY), Joel B. Wolowelsky, Shlomo Zuckier (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)

Editorial Committee: Hayyim Angel (Yeshiva University), David Berger (Yeshiva University), Rivkah T. Blau (Stern College, NY), Judith Bleich (Touro College, NY), Mali Brofsky (MSW, Israel), Daniel Z. Feldman (Yeshiva University), Dov I. Frimer (Frimer Gellman & Co., Jerusalem), Menachem Genack (Orthodox Union, NY), Mark Gottlieb (Tikvah Fund), Lawrence A. Kobrin (Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP), Yona Reiss (Chicago Rabbinical Council), Sarah Rudolph (Independent Scholar), Jacob J. Schacter (Yeshiva University), David Shatz (Yeshiva University), Avraham Walfish (Herzog College, Israel)

* Institutional affiliations for identification purposes only

Editorial Assistants: Natan Levin & Uriel Sussman
Editorial Assistant, Michal Haber
Interns: Ellie Glickman & Mia Harris

Past Editors:
Norman Lamm z”l, Founding Editor (1958-1962)
Walter S. Wurzburger z”l (1962-1988)
Emanuel Feldman (1988-2001)
Michael A. Shmidman (2001-2004)
Shalom Carmy (2004-2019)

Print Journal ISSN 0041-0608 | TraditionOnline Digital ISSN 2768-0231 

Published by and © the Rabbinical Council of America since 1958
Rabbi Zvi Engel, President
Rabbi Menachem Penner, Executive Vice President

For subscription inquiries email [email protected] or call the RCA office at 212-807-9000, ext. 1. The Rabbinical Council of America, 305 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001 USA

Read TRADITION’s code of ethics governing requirements for our publisher, editor, editorial board, peer review process, and authors.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent to [email protected] and may be edited for length and style. Please include name, address, and telephone number. Letters may be published at or in the print journal.

INDEXED in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Index to Jewish Periodical Literature (EBSCO), Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (Rambi), Religious and Theological Abstracts, Index of Articles on Jewish Studies (Kiryat Sefer), ATLA Religion Database.

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