TRADITION‘s #54:4 (Fall 2022) issue is now open access and offers plenty to keep you busy while waiting for our next issue to arrive once you become a subscriber (when you’ll no longer have to wait a single day for full access to all our new content).
Highlights from this issue:
Michael J. Harris writes about the philosophical “sugya” of Moral Luck from the perspective of the halakhic tradition. Avraham Stav looks at the dynamic between the progressive and conservative strains in Rav Kook’s thought. Todd Berman revisits the time in 1964 when Eliezer Berkovits engaged critically with the teachings of Abraham J. Heschel, in the pages of TRADITION (to the discomfort of our editorial board), in considering the “heresy of divine pathos.”
Nava Finkelman offers up interesting insights and sources and resources on the Genesis “dream pairs.” J. David Bleich concludes his 3-part series on “Tobacco, Cannabis, and Recent Halakhic Literature,” with a survey of the newly relevant intersection of this year’s Shemitta observance and the growing of medical marijuana.
In book reviews Hayyim Angel considers works on revelation; Michelle Cohen Farber and Seth Farber on looking at the Daf Yomi experience from the outside-in; and Yosef Bronstein reviews Yaakov Nagen’s readings of the Mishna.