A freilichen Purim to TRADITION readers – Enjoy these Purim pieces from the archives of our print journal…
A Reconstruction of the Purim Story
Manfred R. Lehmann (Winter-Spring 1972)
On Law and Ethics in the Mishneh Torah: A Case Study of Hilkhot Megillah
Yitzhak Twersky (Winter 1989)
Hilkhot Megilla 2:17 Revisited: A Halakhic Analysis
Lawrence Kaplan (Fall 1991)
Hadassa Hi Esther: Issues of Peshat and Derash in the Book of Esther
Reviewed by Hayyim Angel (Winter 2000)
Many Thoughts in the Heart of Man: Irony and Theology in the Book of Esther
Moshe David Simon-Shoshan (Summer 1997)
Unmasking an Odd-Sounding Purim Custom: A Theory
Akiva Males (Winter 2012)
Esther – The Outer Narrative and the Hidden Reading by Jonathan Grossman
Reviewed by Yitzchak Blau (Spring 2013)
Mordechai and Flowing Myrrh: On the Presence of God in the Book of Esther
Yitzhak Berger (Fall 2016)
And revisit these items from TraditionOnline…
The Bridal Canopy – Jeffrey Saks on Agnon’s classic novel as a Purim tale.
The Eliezer Berkovits Megillah – Todd (Tuvia) Berman reviews a Megillah commentary by the 20th-century philosopher.
The Hidden Meaning of Esther’s Double-Yod – Phyllis Silverman Kramer & Mordecai Kramer on the spelling of Yehudim and its connection to Haman’s plot.
Esther: Power, Fate, and Fragility in Exile – Stuart Halpern reviews Erics Brown’s megillah commentary.
Parashat Zakhor and Jewish Identification – Judith Bleich explores the obligation to remember Amalek as an observance tied to the elemental identification of Jews with the history and destiny of Klal Yisrael, and considers women’s obligation and opportunity in this commandment.
The Search for God in Esther – Nava Finkelman considers several biblical narratives where a character attributes some outcome to God’s intervention, and, by analogy, suggests an overlooked hidden allusion to God in Esther as well.