R. Jonathan Sacks zt”l

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Along with all lovers of Torah and wisdom TRADITION mourns the untimely passing of the great teacher of Israel, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Yaakov Tzvi ben Liba zt”l.

Rabbi Sacks spent a distinguished life and career serving as a profoundly eloquent teacher and spokesman for Torah values within the Jewish community and throughout the world.

To study some of Rabbi Sacks’ own writings in his memory we suggest visiting his articles in the TRADITION archive.

Rabbi Sacks served as a member of our editorial board for many years, and the editors and readers of TRADITION share in the sorrow of his family and students.

Listen to the TRADITION Podcast on “The Philosophical Legacy of Jonathan Sacks” with Daniel Rynhold and Jeffrey Saks.

Read Alan Jotkowitz’s essay, “Universalism and Particularism in the Jewish Tradition: The Radical Theology of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks,” TRADITION 44:3 (Fall 2011).

[Published on Saturday night, November 7, 2020]

1 Comment

  1. Dan Swiel says:

    On each and every occasion I had to hear or see Rabbi Sacks, I felt I had received a fresh lifting breeze into my life. His clean clear observations of matters affecting important tenets and foundations of Jewish life and fair play. I offer my profound condolences for his important life, which I feel helped heal and understand our life and society.

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