Surveying the mid-twentieth century American Jewish community from his pulpit, R. Norman Lamm mined the Passover story for two purposes – to make the case for royal humility, a constant vacillation between the confidence of freedom and the modesty of servitude, and as a call for a renewed and passionate Jewish observance. The Royal Table, a Passover Haggadah diligently compiled and edited by Dr. Joel B. Wolowelsky from the writings and sermons delivered over the course of R. Lamm’s rabbinic career and preserved in the Lamm Archives of Yeshiva University, argues that American Jews must take the Seder night’s divinely granted opportunity to remind our fellow citizens that if a nation is to be exceptional, if it is to perceive itself as uniquely blessed by God, it is only through creating a society of mutual liberty and spiritual flourishing. And such a society must not be built on the backs of others, but through the shared notes of a harmonious collaborative song.
Read Stuart W. Halpern’s “The Passion of the Passover” from our Rabbi Norman Lamm Memorial Volume, to learn more about The Royal Reach and prepare for the Seder with Rabbi Lamm’s teachings.
Order your copy of The Rabbi Norman Lamm Memorial Volume.