July 18, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Never Go Against the Family

What happens when the values of kashrut and family cohesion collide? In this installment, Moshe Kurtz’s “Unpacking the Iggerot” explores how R. Moshe Feinstein helped families navigate the halakhic complexities of dining at the same table and managing family ties while maintaining vastly different levels of Torah observance.
June 27, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Davening for Death

May one pray for God to hasten the passing of a suffering patient? Does the patient have a say in the matter? Is it a mitzva to prolong life as long as possible? Moshe Kurtz elucidates how R. Moshe Feinstein, and his “opponent,” R. Eliezer Waldenberg, approached these critical questions—and how it might shed light on an additional major debate they had concerning abortion.
June 6, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Malevolent Music

What happens when a popular Jewish musician’s reputation is thrown into question? What, if anything, must be done with his countless compositions? In his latest installment, Moshe Kurtz breaks down R. Moshe Feinstein’s approach to Christian music, niggunim, and more.
May 23, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Pups in the Pews

Who let the dogs in? (Into shul, that is.) When a blind person attends services with a service dog it opens up a Pandora’s box for how R. Feinstein and his contemporaries should address the growing ubiquity of support and service animals within the synagogue—and our tradition. Moshe Kurtz considers pups in the pews in this next installment of “Unpacking the Iggerot.”