September 10, 2024

REVIEW: Halachic Worldviews

R. Soloveitchik challenged us to discover ways that a “new Jewish world view” might be formulated from the sources of halakha. In reviewing Tzvi Goldstein’s “Halakhic Worldviews” (Mosaica Press), Elisha Friedman finds an excellent template for how we might turn our attention to this daunting task.
September 8, 2024

PODCAST: The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic

TRADITION’s recent Summer issue contains Yitzchak Blau’s review of Gila Fine’s “The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic: Rereading the Women of the Talmud.” In this podcast the reviewer and the author sit down together for a conversation about the book and touch on the relationship between Biblical and Talmudic narrative and teaching values through aggada.
September 5, 2024

TRADITION Questions: Tax Battles and Defending Zionism

Chaim Strauchler examines recent administrative determinations regarding the charitable status of Jewish organizations in Canada and the US. He questions what these decisions mean to Zionism and diaspora Jewish communities.
September 4, 2024

ONLINE EVENT: The Ideology of Hesder Revisited

Join TRADITION and the Rabbinical Council of America for an online Zoom conversation with R. Mosheh Lichtenstein, Rosh Yeshivat Har Etzion, revisiting a classic essay from our archives: R. Aharon Lichtenstein’s “The Ideology of Hesder,” using it as a lens to explore contemporary issues in Israeli religious and civilian life and society, and the particular challenges of the current war. Sunday, September 15 on Zoom (registration at link).
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