April 24, 2022

REVIEW: Bridging Tradition

A book like Haim Jachter’s “Bridging Traditions: Demystifying Between Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews” may not have been necessary in the Jewish communities of yesteryear, writes Sina Kahen in his review. But with the rise of globalization, mass migration, and the re-establishment of the State of Israel, we have fortunately witnessed the merging of diverse branches of the Jewish tree. This well-sourced and lucid work presents rich and clear discussion on topics that span the Shulhan Arukh.
April 14, 2022

TRADITION Passover Archives

As the TRADITION editorial office closes for Passover, we leave you with these highlights from our 64 years of archived essays. Enjoy this reading over Yom Tov – we hope all our readers will be celebrating a Hag Kasher veSameah in good health and in the company of loved ones.
April 13, 2022

Pesach and Our Master’s Voice

When we left Egypt, we did not simply throw off the yoke of the Egyptians; we rethought our relationship with the species that “domesticated us,” suggests Chaim Strauchler. To commemorate that moment every year, we discard all the wheat (and the other four classic species of grain) that has not been prepared as matza. For the time span of seven or eight days, we declare our dominion over “our owner,” by controlling wheat consumption in a radical way.
April 12, 2022

The Sacks Haggada: Judaism Begins at Home

Erica Brown considers why R. Jonathan Sacks introduces his Haggada with an emphasis on the family as the heart of the Passover experience. “R. Sacks makes the case that the Seder, what he calls the oldest of Jewish rituals, takes place at home because Judaism attaches immense significance to the family.” Read the review essay and an excerpted chapter from “The Jonathan Sacks Haggada.”
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