November 3, 2022

Democracy Archives

As we find ourselves this week during the “hol ha-moed” between Israel’s fifth trip to the ballot box in less than four years and next Tuesday’s contentious American election we dip into the TRADITION archives for the best writing and thought on democracy as a Jewish virtue, with offerings by Shalom Carmy, Michael Avi Helfand, and Gerald Blidstein z”l.
November 1, 2022

The Israeli IVF Imbroglio

Readers may have been following the complicated and disturbing story out of Israel’s Assuta Medical Center, in which a fertilized embryo was mistakenly implanted in the wrong woman. This episode touches on medical, legal, and halakhic issues of Solomonic complexity in myriad ways. Over the years TRADITION has published numerous articles which address and anticipated aspects of the case.
October 30, 2022

Postmodernism as Religious-Zionist Moral Panic

Israeli Religious-Zionist ideologues and educators spend enormous energy attacking “postmodernism,” but the postmodernism they critique doesn’t actually exist. Yoel Finkelman wonders why  so much time and energy is expended citing imaginary opponents when there are actual serious intellectual concerns that need to be addressed?
October 27, 2022

Derrida and Sacks at the Tower of Babel 

Postmodernism, deconstruction, and midrashic readings help us make sense of the enigmatic tale of the Tower of Babel – read in synagogues this Shabbat. Miriam Feldmann Kaye marshals the thought of Jacques Derrida and Jonathan Sacks to construct meaning out of the confusion wrought through the bilbul at Bavel.
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