September 14, 2023


Noting the importance of the kingship theme on Rosh Hashana, Chaim Strauchler questions how the coronation of a new king in the Court of St. James will affect our prayers this year. Relating to traditions that emphasize the participatory character of Divine kingship, he questions how kingship as an idea influences Jewish political discourse.
September 11, 2023

REVIEW: State of Halakha

The establishment of the Jewish State in 1948 introduced previously unimaginable questions for halakha and Jewish religious life — most relevantly in terms of statehood and governance. Aviad Tabory’s "State of Halakha" (Maggid Books) is best understood through its subtitle: “Israel’s history in Jewish law.” Sruli Fruchter, in reviewing the work, says the book shows that “halakha always has something to say. And in Israel’s case, we have the ability to listen.”
September 7, 2023

Alt+SHIFT: Frum Film

The content of Israeli television and films reveals dynamics working in the Jewish State. Who is being featured and how they are being portrayed help tell the tale of Israeli society. Yitzchak Blau’s Alt+SHIFT offering works off recent cultural surveys and criticism on the growing presence of religious characters in movies and TV alongside a recent documentary series on Israeli secularism.
September 5, 2023

RESPONSE: Sea Change and Seeing Change

The recent republication of TRADITION’s twenty-five year-old symposium on “The Sea Change in American Orthodox Judaism” generated a “looking back” on the part of some of those original 35 authors. Marc D. Angel and Judith Bleich each stands by his and her opinions of a quarter century ago.
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