December 3, 2024

Dark Clouds Above, Faith Below

Nothing could have prepared us for the nightmarish horrors of October 7th. As dark clouds descend upon the Jewish nation and people our faith is being severely tested. In the essays collected in his new book, R. Moshe Taragin shares his thoughts as they have evolved since Simchat Torah 2023, mining the wisdom of Tanakh and Hazal for their insights to our current situation. “Redeeming history is a long process,” he writes, “but we know how it ends. One day we will have clarity. Until then, we have faith…”
December 2, 2024

Morning Has Broken

For the first offering in this week’s TraditionOnline “War Writing” series, we share a sample chapter from Erica Brown’s meditative “Morning Has Broken: Faith After October 7th.” In this chapter, “Getting Better to Get Worse,” the author braids personal reflections and Jewish texts about faith, unity, pain, and hope during this war in Israel and in response to antisemitism everywhere.
December 1, 2024

War Writing Week

It is too soon to say what the form and content of that new wave of creativity we anticipate will arrive when our current struggle in Israel ends.  Yet, even at this early date, we have begun to witness the emergence of creative responses to the events of Simchat Torah 2023 and its long aftermath. Jeffrey Saks introduces a special series: This week TraditionOnline runs excerpts from three new works composed in response to our current traumatic moment.
November 28, 2024

Unpacking the Iggerot: Mikve, Money & Mysticism

What happens when halakha and kabbala clash? Moshe Kurtz explores how R. Moshe Feinstein either valued or objected to the incorporation of mystical and hasidic concepts into normative halakhic practice.
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