June 16, 2022

The BEST: The Hero With a Thousand Faces

Rachel Sharansky Danziger writes on the value of appreciating common literary forms: By treating all myths and religious stories as variations on the same deeper psychological drama, Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” discards the question of their veracity, rendering them all equally true – or untrue. To accept this position is to reject the first commandment, Maimonides’ 13 principles of faith, and so much else besides. That said, Campbell’s methodology can still enrich our study of Tanakh.
June 12, 2022

PODCAST: Contemporary (Neo-)Hasidut and Modern Orthodoxy

In this episode of the TRADITION/Or Chadash series, Shlomo Zuckier discusses the presence of Hasidism in contemporary Modern Orthodox life. Alon Meltzer queries Zuckier about his contribution to TRADITION’s “Rabbi Lamm Memorial Volume” which analyzed R. Lamm's approach to Hasidut and how it formulated a key element in his manifesto of Torah u-Madda.
June 9, 2022

The BEST: Doubt 

Yitzchak Blau writes on the 2008 film “Doubt” and its depiction of authoritarian structures and sexual abuse: The Jewish community is not immune from this scourge. The processes of selecting and grooming victims, cover-ups in misguided attempts to protect institutions, and an inability to deal with this on a communal level transcend social and religious divides. This week in The BEST.
June 2, 2022

The BEST: Dialogues of Plato 

Sarah Rudolph writes on the ongoing “Jewish” relevance of Plato’s Dialogues: Socratic dialogue has echoes in Jewish tradition. We would do well to study and appreciate it as such. Jewish thought is rooted in questions; we dig into our texts and find ourselves full of questions. Our never-ending questions keep our oral and written traditions alive and relevant.
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